Phlebotomist Job Description
Before deciding to enroll in phlebotomy training, it is helpful to understand exactly what the job entails. Phlebotomists job description focuses responsibility for taking blood from patients and properly labeling samples with the patients information and lab test orders from the doctor. The blood drawn by the phlebotomist can be used to test a laundry list of medical conditions.Blood drawn by phlebotomist can help doctors track a patients well-being.
What skills are needed
Phlebotomists focus on knowledge of venipuncture techniques and collecting blood from a vein. It involves identifying an appropriate vein and then using a needle to draw blood into the right container. Phlebotomists also need to know important lab codes,storage techniques, and methods of drawing blood from patients with difficult veins, like infants and elderly. Having compassion for patients, who are often nervous about having their blood drawn, is also critical.
What you will learn
Our Phlebotomy training classes are comprehensive and emphasizes a "hands-on" method- each student will draw blood at least once in every class. These draws will be performed with supervision on other class members. The instructor will guide you as you learn a variety of Phlebotomy techniques. In addition, you will learn the "tricks of the trade" that will help with special patients and difficult draws.
Our Phlebotomy program provides the student with skills and training in order to succeed as a phlebotomist. This course contains 4 weeks of lecture, discussion, and practical instruction in the lab, followed by the National Certified Phlebotomy Technician exam.